I've joined 36 other authors to sponsor the
Night Owl Romance "Spring Fling" Scavenger Hunt.
1) Visit the author pages at the Night Owl Romance web site.
2) Look for the answers to the questions about the sponsored books.
(Living the Legacy is my book)
3) Enter the answer and you will be entered to win
$950+ In Prizes
Grand Prize Winner! $100 Amazon eGift Card
Other Prizes:
2 Winners - $50 Amazon Card
4 Winners - $25 Amazon Card
15 Winners $10 Amazon Card
100 Winners $5 Amazon Card
4 Winners - $25 Amazon Card
15 Winners $10 Amazon Card
100 Winners $5 Amazon Card
Other prizes include a book by each author and
many other wonderful prizes to be announced soon!
Plus you may find more books to add to your spring bouquet of must-reads!
Spring Fling Scavenger Hunt runs April 12 - May 3, 2018