Friday, July 26, 2024

Christmas in July!

is part of the Daily Deal at

Humor, fantasy, sweet romance...and aliens!

Just 99 cents for
digital version

Former playboy Ryan Madison has wanted no one else since he met elfenchaun, Dori. He has waited many long months for her to be certain she could love a mere human and his quirky family. Now, as they are planning their Christmas wedding, a box of broken childhood memories arrives, as well as a space ship carrying alien canines that crash lands into a neighbor’s barn. 

Rescued from 1800s Olde Ireland by Uncle Horace in his time machine, elfenchaun Dori is still in awe of modern times and her love for Ryan. When his past shows up in the form of a first-grade crush dressed in a chicken suit, Dori can't help but like the woman in spite of fearing Ryan may want to call off the wedding. 

However, as Aunt Maddie's family and their friends come up with a plan to rescue the alien Canine King, who has been dognapped by the evil commander of the Geeks in Green for tortuous experiments, the past fades into hilarious pawsibilities. Who is the mysterious man with a flying car and a laser weapon? Can Uncle Horace fix the broken pieces of a childhood toy? How do the Blue-Haired Ladies with their Nertz tournament fit into the scheme of things? And who are the special guests at Ryan and Dori's wedding? 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Magic in Poetry!

The Magic Poems collection is out!

I am delighted and honored 

that two of my poems were 

selected for this collection.

The enchantment of Magic Poems waits for you! 

Where words weave spells and 

emotions dance in the moonlight of your mind.

Friday, May 17, 2024

F*R*E*E Short Story

At the same time Francesca Durand 
was born as a human, 
Chap the Collie arranged his arrival 
on Earth Three as a puppy. 
Chessie was more than a human. 
Her legend was only beginning, 
and Chap would be part of that legend.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Fantastic Fiction all May long!


All during the month of May
special deals on Fantasy, Paranormal, SciFi ebooks
from 32 authors!

PLUS--Enter to win a Kindle

Includes my book:

Three generations of strong, independent women 
driven in different directions by one man's anger. 
Until his death reconnects them with their mystical Irish ancestors, 
love they never imagined, 
wonders beyond this limited human existence, 
and some very special Collies.

book 1 of the Collie Chronicles
Trained in the shamanic arts by her Irish grandmother, Chessie Durand travels to alternate worlds to rescue animals in danger. Aided by her Chosen One, an angel dog and a mysterious merkaba necklace, she discovers powers unknown to most humans. Ever practical, her mother provides a sanctuary for these alien and exotic species stall-beside-stall with barnyard creatures. When their paradise is threatened by ignorance and poachers and unknown dangers beyond the stargates, Marlise loads her shotgun and joins the fight.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Specially priced Fun, Funny, and Happy ebooks

All during the month of April, 

you can find specially priced 

Fun, Funny, and Happy ebooks 

from 30 authors. 

There's still time to check out these books!
(ends April 30)


Includes CHASING RAINBOWS, book 1 of my 

Aunt Maddie's Doggone Misadventures series


Monday, April 22, 2024


Chickie Girls Caught Red-Winged! 

So....this garden season, I decided to grow enough veggies to feed my chickie girls all year. I started with peas, planting them inside in starter pots a month ago. While they were germinating and growing, I fenced off part of the large chicken yard to become the veggie garden for my girls. When my carefully tended pea plants were about six inches tall, I transplanted them into the chickie garden--much to the dismay of my aching back and hips. The next day, I discovered two of my brown hens inside the garden enclosure, happily scratching the pea plants out of the ground. Caught red-winged, I evicted the chickie girls from the garden! After reinforcing the fencing even more, I replanted what pea plants I could find that still had roots attached. Will they survive the chickie destruction? Only time will tell. 

P.S. I planted more peas, and will be planting other veggies. Hopefully the plants will survive long enough to set on fruit!

P.P.S. To protect the guilty, the image above is not a real photo of one of the hens caught in the act of veggie destruction, but the result of my experimenting with Adobe AI. :)