Monday, August 26, 2013


The weather turned cooler here in the Northwest--much to my relief! We got rain, pretty normal with the State Fair up and going. 

My gourd vines that were going wild and crazy just a week ago have stopped their incredible growing sprint. The squirrels have harvested most of the nuts off my walnut tree, and the bees are flying low to the ground. Signs of the coming fall are all around. 

I love fall, but don't care for the cold rain and blowing winds that follow in winter. Mild by most weather standards but not my favorite season. 

However, I discovered a web site about self-sufficient living <> that I love! Living in self-sufficient luxury is my next goal. This web site has great, practical articles about the experiences of a husband and wife who made the switch to this lifestyle a number of years ago. 

One of the articles talked about a masonry heater--a huge block of bricks with a labyrinth of flues inside. Build a hot, hot fire for a couple of hours and the bricks will radiate heat for 12-18 hours after the fire goes out. With our changing weather, that sounds like a cozy luxury!

Following the lead of Mother Nature and the wise critters who share our Earth, I'm preparing for the rainy months ahead. Do you have any fall preparations you do? 

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