Wednesday, May 6, 2015


First of all, there will be NO retirement after an apocalypse. Everyone will be scrambling to survive and CYA--that's Cover Your Assets.

So what triggered this topic for a follow-the-rules kinda gal who worked for the bureaucracy for over thirty years? An announcement for a "modern" retirement planning class at the local community college. 

I've already retired from one career and have indulged my love of learning while working part-time at a number of different businesses. I thought this class might be a bargain that would also provide some tips on how to feel more financially secure. 

However, when I read through the flyer about the class, it sounded like most of the same old stuff--estate planning, long-term care, investments, retirement accounts, etc. 

That's fine in the world we've slogged through for many decades. However, I don't think that world exists any more. 

We may not be facing an apocalypse from weapons of mass destruction that will wipe out most of humanity, but our systems are imploding. They no longer serve the purposes or people they were set up to help, and they are not changing to meet  the challenges of today. A handful of people are desperately trying to retain their control and it is slipping from their grasp. 

I see this as a good thing. An apocalypse that's a golden opportunity to co-create an Eden where everyone who wants to can live abundantly, joyfully, and enjoy things we never imagined. 

So I will continue to hack my own path out of the city. More than ever, my focus is to move my dogs to some acreage and grow my own food. I'm going to unplug from the power company and create a sparkling oasis of ponds and streams. We will still cuddle together at night on soft beds covered with comfy quilts, then sleep late in the mornings. We'll still eat yummy food and I'll spend too much time on the Internet, learning new things and connecting with people I've never met in person.

And I'll continue to share my journey, though I may sometimes feel lost and stuck in the same old maze. However, there are more and more days when I can feel the reality of my dream--that golden dream that is Retirement after the Apocalypse.

1 comment:

  1. Go for it! You will find your version of heaven on earth as long as you keep working toward it. I enjoy hearing about the steps in your journey. Kiss the pups for me. :-)
